Sunday, September 14, 2008

le Chad

Actually growing up with Chad and knowing the “caterpillar” of his being more than his current “butterfly-self” gives me a completely different view of him than the previous two bloggers.
We Rogers grew up in a rather non-creative household. In order to lighten the mood, Chad seemed to develop a rather dry sense of humor. I liken his comedic upbringing to the many Jewish-American jokesters who came out of comparatively serious households. And I will surely never forget the twinkle I noticed in his eye the first time he saw Pauly Shore in Bio-Dome.
But in all seriousness, Chad was never afraid of speaking his mind because a potentially awkward situation may ensue.
Probably the most innovative part in his upbringing was the videos he used to edit as a 7th grader. There are many other affairs, too numerous to recount, but i just remember Chad would get great enjoyment out of editing the footage and setting it to funny music and showing all his friends. And it actually was funny, and I would still think that its funny today. And I’m not just lying to make my brother sound more genius than he really is.

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